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Ghavami Plastic Surgery

How Buttock Augmentation Benefits Your Lifestyle

Brazilian butt liftButtock augmentation can balance out your figure for a proportionate body shape. The results offer a more flattering look in your clothing and can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Top Los Angeles and Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami of Ghavami Plastic Surgery explains the benefits of buttock augmentation.

More Self-Confidence

Self-confidence springs from many sources, but the knowledge that you look as good as possible is a huge confidence booster. If you were self-conscious about the appearance of your buttocks before the surgery, now you know that your backside is shapely and attractive.

You can wear clothes that enhance your figure that might not have suited your pre-augmentation self. While confidence is sexy, it affects more than your personal life. Your professional life also benefits, as confident people are viewed as more successful.

Unwanted Fat is Gone

The Brazilian butt lift (or S-Curve Buttock Lift®) method for buttock augmentation involves removing fat via liposuction from parts of the body where it is not wanted and placing it into the buttocks. The procedure can solve two issues at once. Your droopy butt is now lifted, and that excess fat in your abdomen, hips or thighs is reduced. Patients who do not have enough fat cells to harvest for the procedure, may benefit more from buttock augmentation with implants.

Less Visible Cellulite

While buttock augmentation does not eradicate cellulite, it will make it a lot less noticeable. Any dimples from cellulite are hard to see beneath a firmer and more toned butt.

Exercise Regimen

Regular exercise is crucial for keeping yourself in strong shape. After buttock augmentation, you can focus your workouts on more troublesome parts of the body because your buttocks are now in excellent shape. They don’t droop, and the contour is noticeably improved.

A Healthy Lifestyle

A buttock augmentation lasts a long time but aging and gravity will eventually take a toll. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can retain the benefits of buttock augmentation longer while maintaining your overall health.

Staying at a desirable weight for your frame prolongs the result of buttock augmentation. You underwent buttock augmentation to improve your appearance. Adopting good dietary and exercise habits gives you an incentive to continue improving your figure. 

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about buttock augmentation and whether you are a candidate for the procedure, contact renowned Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami and schedule a personal consultation. His buttock augmentation procedures look and feel more natural than implants or artificial fillers. 


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